I know that the purpose of this Blog is to share materials and resources to teach, to inform, to entertain, all about the English language.
But during the Oktoberfest, the Blumenauenses show their cultural richness, through their love of music, dance, costumes, local cuisine and beer, maintaining the customs of their ancestors from Germany. And because all of that interests most of you, here are the most used expressions that you are going to hear in German and their equivalents in Portuguese.
Um brinde! | Ein prosit! |
Pra lá e pra cá | Zick-zack |
Um, dois, beber | Ein, zwei, g’sufa |
Brindar com os canecos | Krüge Anstossen |
Caneco | Krug |
Tudo bem? | Alles gut? |
Tudo azul | Alles blau |
Oi | Hallo |
Obrigado | Danke |
Quanto custa? | Wie viel kostet? |
Quer dançar? | Möchtest du tanzen? |
Beijo | Küssen |
Eu te amo | Ich liebe dich |
Banda | Kapelle |
Cantar | Singen |
Amigo | Freund |
Praça da criança | Kinderplatz |
Now, it’s your turn to find out the equivalents in English, okay? 😉