Aprender a falar sobre sua rotina diária (daily routine) é muito importante. Veremos o vocabulário básico que você precisa para isso.

Listen carefully to the pronunciation and do the exercises.
Key Vocabulary
Aqui estão algumas palavras e frases para descrever a sua rotina:
- Wake up – Acordar
- Turn off the alarm – Desligar o alarme
- Get up – Levantar-se
- Take a shower / I have a shower – Tomar banho
- Get dressed – Vestir-se
- Comb the hair – Pentear-se
- Make breakfast / Eat breakfast / Have breakfast – Tomar café da manhã
- Brush my teeth – Escovar os dentes
- Go to work / school – Ir para o trabalho / escola
- Start work at 9 – Começar a trabalhar às 9h
- Answer emails – Responder e-mails
- Eat lunch / Have lunch – Almoçar
- Work on the computer – Trabalhar no computador
- Finish work / school at 5 – Terminar o trabalho / a escola às 17h
- Go home – Ir para casa
- Arrive home – Chegar em casa
- Feed the dog – Alimentar o cachorro
- Cook dinner / Eat dinner / Have dinner – Jantar
- Watch TV – Assistir TV
- Read a book – Ler um livro
- Go to bed – Ir dormir
- Fall asleep – Adormecer
- Have classes – Ter aulas
- Do my homework – Fazer meu dever de casa
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks
Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the vocabulary list.
- I ________ at 6:30 a.m. every day. (wake up / fall asleep)
- After I ________ the alarm, I get up. (answer / turn off)
- I always ________ before I go to work. (take a shower / work on the computer)
- After breakfast, I ________ my teeth. (brush / sleep)
- She ________ at 9 a.m. every day. (starts work / finishes work)
- At 1 p.m., I ________ lunch. (go / have)
- After lunch, I ________ my emails. (go / answer)
- In the evening, I ________ TV before bed. (watch / eat)
Exercise 2: Put the sentences in the correct order
Arrange the following sentences in the order you do them in your daily routine.
a) I brush my teeth.
b) I wake up at 7 a.m.
c) I go to bed at 10 p.m.
d) I take a shower.
e) I have breakfast.
Exercise 3: Match the columns
Match the phrases on the left with their meanings on the right.
- Wake up –––– a. Responder e-mails
- Get dressed –––– b. Chegar em casa
- Answer emails –––– c. Acordar
- Arrive home –––– d. Vestir-se
Exercise 4: True or False
Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false for you.
- “I work on the computer before I take a shower.”
- “I finish work / school at 3 p.m.”
- “I feed the dog before I get up.”
- “I watch TV after dinner.”
Exercise 5: Written Practice
Answer the following questions:
- What time do you wake up?
- Do you have breakfast every day? What do you eat?
- What time do you start work or school?
- What do you do after dinner?
Extra practice: Interactive game
Extra Practice Advanced: What’s your daily routine like?
Como é a sua rotina diária? Descreva as atividades que você faz no seu dia, desde que acorda até ir dormir.