Screwed up?

The peak of Covid-19 in SC, Brazil, was initially forecast to mid April. Then it was said that it would be in May. And this week it was announced that it will be in June.

Are we all screwed up?

Phrasal verbs are really common in the English language, and they are a great way to help your English sound much more natural and fluent. Unfortunately they are a little hard to remember when you don’t have an opportunity to learn them in a real life situation. So, I guess this, the COVID-19 pandemic, is a good one!

If you say: I’m screwed!, it means that you’re in a very difficult situation.

So to screw something up, can mean a few different things.

Firstly it generally means to make a mess of, a mistake or completely fail at something, with consequent emotional damage.

I really screwed up at work.

I totally screwed up my relationship with my girlfriend.

When his parents divorced, it really screwed him up.

Tim got fired yesterday because he screwed up with an important client.

I screwed up on a test. (did very badly)

My schedule is completely screwed up.

I can’t believe you screwed that deal up!

To screw up can also mean to ruin something:

I screwed up the dinner. (maybe I put too much salt and it doesn’t taste good)

screwed up my computer somehow – could you come take a look at it?

It can also mean to confuse something.

Maybe you’re late to a party and someone asks: “Hey, why are you late?” You might say: “Oh, gosh! I screwed up the times!” (confused the times)

And screw up can also mean that you hurt yourself, that is, to injure or damage physically.

If you did a skateboarding trick and you landed badly, you can say: “Oh no! I screwed up my arm!” (hurt your arm)

I screwed up my arm playing tennis.

Now, what do you think? Are we all screwed up because of this pandemic?

Remember, this is a very common and casual expression. So use it in your conversation! 😉

I believe in you or I believe you?

It’s a sort of natural approach for most English learners to translate directly from Portuguese.

One mistake is the use of “believe in”, as “acreditar em” when making comments like, “I was late for work because the traffic was terrible, but I don’t think my boss believed in me.”; or if someone says something that surprises you the response to your surprise is, “You don’t believe in me?!”

In English “to believe something/someone” and “to believe in something/someone” have different meanings. For example, if your teenage daughter comes home at 3 a.m. smelling of alcohol and tells you she was at a friend’s house “just watching movies”, you would say, “I don’t believe you!”

When you “believe someone” it means you accept that what this person is saying is true. In the above situation, your daughter is not telling the truth, so you don’t believe her.

When you “believe in someone” it means you accept the existence of or recognize the value of that person. So, if you don’t believe in your daughter, or son, or whomever, then you simply don’t recognize that this person exists. He or she means nothing to you, holds no value for you.

So “believe in somebody/something” is a phrasal verb, and is used:
1 to be sure that someone or something exists:
Do you believe in God?
2 to say that something is effective or right:
I don’t believe in these diets.
3 to say that you trust someone and are confident that they will be successful:
Believe in yourself, or you’ll never succeed.

Got it? So believe me: I believe in each one of you! 😉

Get along well with everyone around you…

Get along (with) é um phrasal verb, e significa dar-se bem, ou ter um bom relacionamento com alguém. Também pode ser usado com o sentido de progredir, e ainda, sair.

1 – Get along e get along with com o sentido de se dar bem, ter um bom relacionamento (com alguém):

Richard and his sister don’t get along.
Richard e sua irmã não se dão bem.

Why don’t you two get along? You’re always arguing.
Por que vocês dois não se dão bem? Vocês estão sempre discutindo.

get along well with most of my colleagues.
Eu me dou bem com a maioria dos meus colegas.

She gets along with the in-laws.
Ela se dá bem com os seus sogros.

I don’t get along with my sister, we have nothing in common.
Eu não me dou bem com minha irmã, nós não temos nada em comum.

2 – Get along/get along with com o sentido de lidar com um trabalho ou situação, ou progredir:

Are you getting along with the project?
Você está progredindo com o projeto?

How are you getting along with your schoolwork?
Como você está progredindo com sua lição de casa?

How’s the homework getting along?
Como a lição de casa está progredindo?

got along much better in my new job.
Eu progredi muito mais no meu novo emprego.

3 – Get along no sentido de sairI must/I’d better be getting along :

The store owner told the children to get along.
O dono da loja disse às crianças para saírem.

It’s late; we must be getting along.
Está tarde, nós temos que estar saindo.

Got it? Well, I do hope you get along quite well with everyone around you! 😉

“Hurry up”, we’re late!

Os mais pontuais costumam ficar incomodados quando percebem o atraso de alguém, e então dizem: “se apresse”“vamos, se apresse”“vamos, vamos”“anda logo”“vai logo”“apure!” E como dizer isso em inglês? Abaixo estão algumas maneiras.

Apressar-se: to hurry, to hurry up, to rush, to get a move on, to hustle, to shake a leg.

Hurry up

Veja agora alguns exemplos:

Hurry, hurry! You’re really late! ­– Vamos, vamos! Você está super atrasado!

Tell her to hurry, we’re just waiting for her to get ready. – Diga a ela para se apressar, estamos só esperando por ela.

Hurry up! Or else we’ll be late! – Se apresse ou vamos nos atrasar!

Hurry up, guys! You can’t miss the bus! – Vamos logo, pessoal! Vocês não podem perder o ônibus!

Rush! We need to arrive there by 11 o´clock! Se apresse! Precisamos chegar lá até às 11h!

Rush, rush! You’re running out of time! Vamos, vamos! Seu tempo está acabando!

Come on, kids, let’s get a move on! – Vamos lá crianças, se apressem!

I’d better get a move on, it’s already 10 o´clock! – É melhor eu ir logo, já são 10 horas!

I’m sorry to hustle you, but we’re running out of time! – Desculpe te apurar, mas estamos ficando sem tempo!

He had to hustle to keep up with her. – Ele teve que se apressar para conseguir acompanha-la.

You always take such a long time to put on your makeup. Come on, shake a leg! – Você sempre demora tanto pra passar maquiagem. Vamos! Se apresse!

Shake a leg! We gotta leave right now! ­- Vai logo! Temos que sair agora mesmo!

Well, now hurry up and post a comment! Bye, guys!

Based on Bruna Iubel