We have already learned the specific vocabulary we need to talk about the Coronavirus disease, and what we should do to stay safe. We had the chance to reflect on maybe, the underlying meaning of it, and learned what is right now the only vaccine for it.
Now, we need music! Music can help us a lot to go through this difficult time.

“One day we’ll remember the hardest of times when distance meant love and it kept us alive ” We are living scary times. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic “Andrà Tutto Bene” is a message of hope and courage for everyone around the globe. To the doctors, nurses, those who are out there fighting for us and to those that stay home protecting their loved ones. Composed and performed by Cristóvam and with a video concept created and directed by Pedro Varela.
Please try to write down and work on the lyrics! The message is so beautiful and you’re going to see vocabulary like verbs, phrasal verbs, prepositions, and a lot of the things we talk about in class…