Learning language from students’ genuine experiences and interests create authentic learning opportunities, from their contexts, for using and developing their English skills.
Teaching approaches and methodologies must create authentic opportunities for students to communicate and express their opinions.
So, the first thing I like to do when I meet my students is to catch up on the things that have happened to them since the last time we met.
The first meaning of the phrase to catch up, in the literal sense (/ kætʃ / caught / caught), is to walk faster or run to catch up to someone.
But, the figurative meaning of to catch up, is to talk with someone you know and you have not seen for some time to find out what they have been doing, or to exchange or to learn the latest news or information.
- Let’s have a coffee next week and catch up.
- By the time coffee came, John and Paul had already caught up a little bit.
- Let’s go for a coffee – I need to catch up on all the gossip.
- I’ll catch up with you another time, Kevin.
- It’s always good to catch up with old friends.
- He used the train journey to catch up with/on the morning news.

As a noun, catch-up means a meeting at which people discuss what has happened since the last time that they met.
- I’m seeing my boss for a catch-up next week.
- I’ll leave you two alone – I’m sure you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

For other meanings, go to https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/catch-up