Screwed up?

The peak of Covid-19 in SC, Brazil, was initially forecast to mid April. Then it was said that it would be in May. And this week it was announced that it will be in June.

Are we all screwed up?

Phrasal verbs are really common in the English language, and they are a great way to help your English sound much more natural and fluent. Unfortunately they are a little hard to remember when you don’t have an opportunity to learn them in a real life situation. So, I guess this, the COVID-19 pandemic, is a good one!

If you say: I’m screwed!, it means that you’re in a very difficult situation.

So to screw something up, can mean a few different things.

Firstly it generally means to make a mess of, a mistake or completely fail at something, with consequent emotional damage.

I really screwed up at work.

I totally screwed up my relationship with my girlfriend.

When his parents divorced, it really screwed him up.

Tim got fired yesterday because he screwed up with an important client.

I screwed up on a test. (did very badly)

My schedule is completely screwed up.

I can’t believe you screwed that deal up!

To screw up can also mean to ruin something:

I screwed up the dinner. (maybe I put too much salt and it doesn’t taste good)

screwed up my computer somehow – could you come take a look at it?

It can also mean to confuse something.

Maybe you’re late to a party and someone asks: “Hey, why are you late?” You might say: “Oh, gosh! I screwed up the times!” (confused the times)

And screw up can also mean that you hurt yourself, that is, to injure or damage physically.

If you did a skateboarding trick and you landed badly, you can say: “Oh no! I screwed up my arm!” (hurt your arm)

I screwed up my arm playing tennis.

Now, what do you think? Are we all screwed up because of this pandemic?

Remember, this is a very common and casual expression. So use it in your conversation! 😉

Sick and tired of it?

be sick (and tired) of someone / (doing) something

To have experienced too much of someone or something with the result that you are annoyed:

I’m sick and tired of your excuses.

I am sick of working for other people.

I am sick and tired of listening to your complaints.

I’m sick of him whining about money.

I was sick and tired of wasting my time at long, pointless meetings.

So are you sick and tired of quarantine or containment?

Linking words: exercises

Linking words, connecting words or conjunctions, connect words, phrases and clauses.

Take a look at my page on linking words, then try the quiz below!

1. I go to the gym to keep fit __ meet my friends.

  •  and
  •  or

2. At the gym I usually either lift weights __ use the treadmill.

  •  and
  •  or

3. My doctor told me I needed to lose weight __ I went on a diet.

  •  because
  •  so

4. __ there are no parks near my house, I decided to join the gym.

  •  As
  •  While

5. I like the gym __ the people there are friendly.

  •  because
  •  so

6. The gym is cheap __ it’s often crowded.

  •  but
  •  when

7. So I like to go in the morning __ there aren’t many people.

  •  when
  •  where

8. __ I go three times a week, I can get a discount.

  •  Although
  •  If

9. __ I only go three times a week, some people go five times a week.

  •  When
  •  While

10. __ I still eat the same amount, I’m losing weight.

  •  Although
  •  But

Okay! What about sharing your answers with me? 😉

Linking words

Linking words help you to connect ideas and sentences when you speak or write in English. They develop coherence within a paragraph, that is showing relationships, linking one idea / argument to another.

We can use linking words, also known as transitions words or conjunctions, to give examples, add and sequence information, summarise, give a reason or result, or to contrast ideas.

Giving examples

For example
For instance

The most common way to give examples is by using for example or for instance.

Namely refers to something by name.
“There are two problems: namely, the expense and the time.”

Adding information

In addition
As well as
Apart from
In addition to

Ideas are often linked by and. In a list, you put a comma between each item, but not before and.

“We discussed training, education and the budget.”
Also is used to add an extra idea or emphasis. “We also spoke about marketing.”

You can use also with not only to give emphasis.
“We are concerned not only by the costs, but also by the competition.”

We don’t usually start a sentence with also. If you want to start a sentence with a phrase that means also, you can use In addition, or In addition to this…

As well as can be used at the beginning or the middle of a sentence.
“As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition.”
“We are interested in costs as well as the competition.”

Too goes either at the end of the sentence, or after the subject and means as well.
“They were concerned too.”
“I, too, was concerned.”

Apart from and besides are often used to mean as well as, or in addition to.
“Apart from Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.”
“Besides Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.”

Moreover and furthermore add extra information to the point you are making.
“Marketing plans give us an idea of the potential market. Moreover, they tell us about the competition.”


In short
In brief
In summary
To summarise
In a nutshell
To conclude
In conclusion

We normally use these words at the beginning of the sentence to give a summary of what we have said or written.

Sequencing ideas

The former, … the latter
Firstly, secondly, finally
The first point is
The following

The former and the latter are useful when you want to refer to one of two points.

“Marketing and finance are both covered in the course. The former is studied in the first term and the latter is studied in the final term.”

Firstly, … secondly, … finally (or lastly) are useful ways to list ideas.

It’s rare to use “fourthly”, or “fifthly”. Instead, try the first point, the second pointthe third point and so on.

The following is a good way of starting a list.
“The following people have been chosen to go on the training course: N Peters, C Jones and A Owen.”

Giving a reason

Due to / due to the fact that
Owing to / owing to the fact that
Because of

Due to and owing to must be followed by a noun.

“Due to the rise in oil prices, the inflation rate rose by 1.25%.”

“Owing to the demand, we are unable to supply all items within 2 weeks.”

If you want to follow these words with a clause (a subject, verb and object), you must follow the words with the fact that.

“Due to the fact that oil prices have risen, the inflation rate has gone up by 1%25.”

“Owing to the fact that the workers have gone on strike, the company has been unable to fulfill all its orders.”

Because / because of

Because of is followed by a noun.

“Because of bad weather, the football match was postponed.”

Because can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. For example, “Because it was raining, the match was postponed.”

“We believe in incentive schemes, because we want our employees to be more productive.”

Since / as

Since and as mean because.

“Since the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff.”

As the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff.”

Giving a result

This means that
As a result

Thereforeso, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way.

“The company are expanding. Therefore / So / Consequently / As a result, they are taking on extra staff.”

So is more informal.

Contrasting ideas

Although / even though
Despite / despite the fact that
In spite of / in spite of the fact that
In theory… in practice…

But is more informal than however. It is not normally used at the beginning of a sentence.

“He works hard, but he doesn’t earn much.”
“He works hard. However, he doesn’t earn much.”

Althoughdespite and in spite of introduce an idea of contrast. With these words, you must have two halves of a sentence.

“Although it was cold, she went out in shorts.”
“In spite of the cold, she went out in shorts.”

Despite and in spite of are used in the same way as due to and owing to. They must be followed by a noun. If you want to follow them with a noun and a verb, you must use the fact that.

“Despite the fact that the company was doing badly, they took on extra employees.”

Nevertheless and nonetheless mean in spite of that or anyway.

“The sea was cold, but he went swimming nevertheless.” (In spite of the fact that it was cold.)
“The company is doing well. Nonetheless, they aren’t going to expand this year.”

Whilewhereas and unlike are used to show how two things are different from each other.

“While my sister has blue eyes, mine are brown.”

“Taxes have gone up, whereas social security contributions have gone down.”

“Unlike in the UK, the USA has cheap petrol.”

In theory… in practice… show an unexpected result.

“In theory, teachers should prepare for lessons, but in practice, they often don’t have enough time.”

Okay! Did you enjoy everything you’ve learned? Now practice here. 😉

We grow together

As a result of my work with the students, amid the challenges we’re facing because of the pandemic, I thought it would be good to share some thoughts on transformation through intention

I think this is a powerful idea, and I believe in understanding straight from the core* of an issue.

So now I want to thank all my students and everyone who brings me a challenge, or a reason to question or reflect on something.

Thanks everyone,

We grow together.

* The core of something such as a problem or an issue is the part of it that has to be understood or accepted before the whole thing can be understood or dealt with.