Common ways to say thank you

“That’s very kind of you.” 

“Thank you.”              

“Thanks a lot!”                            

“Thanks for your kind words!” 

 “Thank you for coming today.” 

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Thank you for spending time with us.”        

“Teachers like you are not easy to find.”

“I have learned so much thanks to you.”

“Thank you for being patient and helping me improve.”                  

“You’re the best teacher ever!”                              

“Thank you for the gift.”

Listen to all these sentences here.

Thank you for the gift!

The Christmas season is the biggest gift-giving occasion for most people in many cultures.

Christmas gifts are often exchanged and after someone gives you a gift, you should always express your thanks.

Do you know how to do it? What would you say?

“Thank you for the gift.”

That’s okay, but you can also add a warm thought like one of these…


  • “You’re the best.”
  • “You knocked me off my feet!”
  • “My heart is still smiling.”
  • “Your thoughtfulness is a gift I will always treasure.”
  • “Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.”
  • “I’m touched beyond words.”
  • “All I can say is wow! (Except, of course, I’m grateful.)”
  • “My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you.”
  • “You’re a blessing to me.”
  • “Thank you for being my angel.

Also, check Common ways to say thank you.

Good advice from the Beatles!

Good advice here, especially at this time of the year. Hehe…

They said it all, or perhaps I should say: they sang it all!

Did you like it? Does this help you?

This post was specially put together keeping each one of you in mind

Now, high above I said especially, and now I’m saying specially? What’s the difference?

Especially and specially can often both be used with the same meaning.

It was (e)specially cold.

Especially is often used to mean ‘above all’.

We play a lot of tennis, especially on Sundays.

The children are very noisy, especially when we have visitors.

I like all kinds of fruit, especially apples.

We prefer especially before prepositions and conjunctions.

We go swimming quite a lot, especially in January.

I drink a lot of coffee, especially when I’m working.

Specially is used with a past participle to mean ‘for a particular purpose’.

These shoes were specially made for me.

The song was specially written for his birthday.

So to summarize it all:

From Practical English Usage, Michael Swan.

Black Friday is here!

What is Black Friday? Where does Black Friday come from?

In the investing world, Black Friday refers to the gold crisis of September 24, 1869, when a group of investors tried to control the US gold market and caused serious economic problems. It sometimes also refers to the New York Stock Exchange crash of September 19, 1873.

Over time, the term has come to describe any Friday on which a terrible event occurs.

In the retail world, Black Friday is the day after the Thanksgiving holiday in the US (the fourth Thursday of November) when stores open early and prices are reduced and many people start their Christmas shopping.  

NOTE: The origin of Black Friday in this sense is not known for certain. The day was allegedly so named either in reference to traffic congestion in central cities on the day after Thanksgiving or to the supposed fact that retailers’ accounts shifted from red to black with the beginning of the shopping season.

The store was full of Black Friday shoppers chasing deals.

Black Friday Deals Week 2019 is here.

In case you want to read the same information given above in Portuguese, click here. There you’ll find a video which explains everything really well too. 😉

Subject and object pronouns: exercises

Vimos os Subject pronouns, pronomes que estão no lugar de um substantivo, sujeito da sentença, e os Object pronouns, pronomes que estão no lugar do objeto. Veja esse vídeo para relembrar:

Agora vamos praticar!

Complete the sentences below with the appropriate pronouns:

1. ______ watched a movie with ______ at the mall.

(Nós assisitimos um filme com eles no shopping).

2. ______ are very late.

(Você está muito atrasada.)

3. ______ is an English teacher.

(Ele é professor de inglês.)

4. Jane was looking at ______.

(A Jane estava olhando para ele.)

5. ______ lives in an apartment.

(Ela mora num apartamento.)

6. ______ have to study for the test tonight.

(Nós temos que estudar para a prova hoje à noite.)

7. ______ guys need to do your homework.

(Vocês precisam fazer sua tarefa.)

8. ______ like to have chicken for lunch.

(Eles gostam de comer frango no almoço.)

9. ______ talked to ______ yesterday.

(Ela conversou com ele ontem.)

10. ______ work downtown.

(Eu trabalho no centro.)

11. ______ wants to work with ______.

(Ele quer trabalhar com ela.)

12. ______ didn’t say anything about ______.

(Eles não disseram nada sobre nós.)

13. ______ had dinner with ______.

(Eu jantei com eles.)

14. William will go to the party with ______.

(O William vai à festa conosco.)

15. ______ forgot to do ______.

(Eu me esqueci de fazê-la (a tarefa).)

Check your answers: 1. We/them, 2. You, 3. He, 4. him, 5. She, 6. We, 7. You, 8. They, 9. she/him, 10. I, 11. He/her, 12. They/us, 13. I/them, 14. us, 15. I/ it