A few days before a decisive moment for Brazil, in which two candidates will contest a run-off vote, let’s pay tribute to those who fought with non-violence for the rights of others, the brave men who came before us…
Read the speech here.
A few days before a decisive moment for Brazil, in which two candidates will contest a run-off vote, let’s pay tribute to those who fought with non-violence for the rights of others, the brave men who came before us…
Read the speech here.
General elections in Brazil were held on 7 October. Two candidates, Jair Bolsonaro and Fernando Haddad, will contest a run-off vote in three weeks’ time. The sole purpose of the following video, is to give us a chance to learn the vocabulary we need to discuss in English, this decisive moment in Brazil. It doesn’t affirm any political preference.
For more on elections see a few of the other earlier Blog posts here, here and here.
Quando expressamos nossas satisfações, insatisfações e opiniões, é comum dizermos “sou a favor” ou “sou contra”. Vocês sabem como dizer isso em inglês?
Vejam esses exemplos:
I’m for (it). – Sou a favor.
I’m in favor (of it). – Sou a favor.
I’m against (it). – Sou contra.
Are you for or against that? – Você é a favor ou contra isso?
She said she’s for abortion. – Ela disse que é a favor do aborto.
The mayor is in favor of the new law. – O prefeito é a favor da nova lei.
They’re against freedom of speech. – Eles são contra a liberdade de expressão.
Agora vejam que, toda vez que tivermos um verbo depois dessas expressões, acrescentaremos a ele – ing -.
I’m for paying taxes if the money is used to improve schools, roads, and education. – Sou a favor de pagar impostos se o dinheiro for usado para melhorar escolas, estradas e a educação.
Are you for or against smoking in public places? – Você é a favor ou contra fumar em lugares públicos?
I’m in favor of reducing working hours. – Sou a favor de reduzir horas de trabalho.
My father is against tipping in restaurants. – Meu pai é contra dar gorjeta em restaurantes.
Ainda existem formas mais enfáticas de dizer que somos a favor ou contra algo. Vejam:
I’m completely against racism in any situation. – Sou completamente contra o racismo em qualquer situação.
We’re totally against selling alcohol to underage people. – Somos totalmente contra a venda de bebidas alcoólicas para menores.
I used to be strongly against vegetarianism. – Eu era completamente contra o vegetarianismo.
He’s all against her going out with them. – Ele é totalmente contra ela sair com eles.
Why are you dead against that? – Por que você é completamente contra isso?
I’m dead set against smoking in public places. – Sou totalmente contra fumar em lugares públicos.
What about you? Is there anything you’re dead set against? Tell me!
Bye for now!
Wow! What a great quotation at times of political turmoil here in Brazil.
At its best is an idiom and it means of or at the highest standard of quality possible.
Example: You’ll love their new album; it’s simply jazz at its best.
If we have a sentence like this: At best, Doug will be only an hour late. This means in the best possible scenario.
Now: He was never at his best early in the morning. It means he was never performing as well or effectively as he is able to, early in the morning.