Most Common Adjectives

late (adj)      
late for a meeting
important (adj)
important information
lively (adj)
She prefers the more lively dances.
big (adj)
wide (adj)
The river is wide and deep.
small (adj)
very small
narrow (adj)
narrow pass
short (adj)
short and tall
long (adj)
The woman has long, red hair.
good (adj)
Thumbs up means good.
same (adj)
the same story

beautiful (adj)
She is a beautiful woman.
strong (adj)
strong typhoon
kind (adj)
kind act
cold (adj)
Your hands are so cold.
hot (adj)
really hot

easy (adj)
bad (adj)
weather is bad
large (adj)
Sit on the large sofa.

low (adj)
The price of this car is too low.
high (adj)
He is tall. He is tall.
famous (adj)
famous actor
new (adj)
I want a new watch.
old (adj)
quiet (adj)
young (adj)
different (adj)
little (adj)
great (adj)
early (adj)
Listen to these words and the examples here.

Brazil’s presidential election heads for a runoff.

General elections in Brazil were held on 7 October. Two candidates, Jair Bolsonaro and Fernando Haddad, will contest a run-off vote in three weeks’ time. The sole purpose of the following video, is to give us a chance to learn the vocabulary we need to discuss in English, this decisive moment in Brazil. It doesn’t affirm any political preference.

For more on elections see a few of the other earlier Blog posts here, here and here.

Como se diz “sou a favor/sou contra” em inglês?

Quando expressamos nossas satisfações, insatisfações e opiniões, é comum dizermos “sou a favor” ou “sou contra”. Vocês sabem como dizer isso em inglês?

To be for

Vejam esses exemplos:

I’m for (it). – Sou a favor.

I’m in favor (of it). – Sou a favor.

I’m against (it). – Sou contra.

Are you for or against that? ­– Você é a favor ou contra isso?

She said she’s for abortion. – Ela disse que é a favor do aborto.

The mayor is in favor of the new law. – O prefeito é a favor da nova lei.

They’re against freedom of speech. – Eles são contra a liberdade de expressão.

I'm for truth

Agora vejam que, toda vez que tivermos um verbo depois dessas expressões, acrescentaremos a ele – ing -.

I’m for paying taxes if the money is used to improve schools, roads, and education. – Sou a favor de pagar impostos se o dinheiro for usado para melhorar escolas, estradas e a educação.

Are you for or against smoking in public places? – Você é a favor ou contra fumar em lugares públicos?

I’m in favor of reducing working hours. – Sou a favor de reduzir horas de trabalho.

My father is against tipping in restaurants. – Meu pai é contra dar gorjeta em restaurantes.

Ainda existem formas mais enfáticas de dizer que somos a favor ou contra algo. Vejam:

To be all for

I’m completely against racism in any situation. – Sou completamente contra o racismo em qualquer situação.

We’re totally against selling alcohol to underage people. – Somos totalmente contra a venda de bebidas alcoólicas para menores.

I used to be strongly against vegetarianism. – Eu era completamente contra o vegetarianismo.

He’s all against her going out with them. – Ele é totalmente contra ela sair com eles.

Why are you dead against that? – Por que você é completamente contra isso?

I’m dead set against smoking in public places. – Sou totalmente contra fumar em lugares públicos.

What about you? Is there anything you’re dead set against? Tell me!

Bye for now!

Elections IV

Martin Luther King

Wow! What a great quotation at times of political turmoil here in Brazil.

At its best is an idiom and it means of or at the highest standard of quality possible.

Example: You’ll love their new album; it’s simply jazz at its best.

If we have a sentence like this: At best, Doug will be only an hour late. This means in the best possible scenario.

Now: He was never at his best early in the morning. It means he was never performing as well or effectively as he is able to, early in the morning.