Pessoal! Estou postando novamente este video do sócio-antropólogo Gustavo Brito, em cujo recente workshop participei, mas agora enfatizando as ferramentas negligenciadas na educação: escuta afetiva, visão sistêmica, diálogo tônico, aprendizado participativo e design thinking.
Gustavo’s talk is about how great survivors we were and how self-centered we became. It is about this make-or-break moment we are living and how important it is to learn once again, at school, about how to collaborate.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by Blumenau’s local community. Learn more at and watch all the videos from TEDx Blumenau 2016 here.
The following, is a card written by a first grade student:

Learn more about Gustavo Brito’s work at