What do you do every day? What’s a typical day like for you?
Learning how to talk about your daily routine is super important, and we’ve already learned lots of useful words and phrases with Daily routine 1 and Daily routine 2.
In this lesson, you’ll learn different ways to talk about:
✅ how you work
✅ your free time and hobbies
✅ meals and eating habits
✅ activities and sleep habits
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Talking About Your Work Routine
🕒 Talking about your work schedule
✅ I start work at [time], and I finish at [time].
✅ I work from [time] to [time].
✅ I usually finish work by [time] at the latest.
✅ I finish at [time] at the earliest.
✅ I’m at the office from [time] till [time].
✅ I work different hours every day. (To freelancers)
🏃♂️ Talking about flexible schedules or set routines
✅ I like to get an early start.
✅ I take a long lunch break.
✅ I take a short lunch break.
✅ I try to leave on time.
✅ I never stay late or do overtime.
⏰ Talking about working long hours or staying late
✅ I often have to stay late at work.
✅ Sometimes I stay late if there’s something I need to finish.
✅ I work long hours.
🚗 Talking about commuting
✅ My commute takes around [time].
✅ I don’t miss commuting every day.
✅ I have to leave the house at [time] at the latest.
🌟 Bonus expressions to help you sound more natural
✅ It suits me.
✅ It’s not all fun and games.
✅ It sucks!
📚 Vocabulary tip
- at the earliest
- at the latest
Talking About Free Time Habits
🛋️ If you prefer to relax at home
✅ I just crash on the sofa and watch TV.
✅ I don’t have the energy to do much after work.
✅ During the work week, there just isn’t the time to do much.
🏃♂️ If you’re more active and like to go out
✅ I like to get out of the house when I can.
✅ I try to arrange something most evenings.
✅ I prefer to stay busy.
🏀 Talking about specific activities
✅ I’ve started going to a boxing class twice a week.
✅ I play tennis on Wednesdays.
✅ I also play basketball every Thursday.
✅ I go out with friends for a coffee or a drink once or twice a week.
📌 Use on + day of the week:
I play tennis on Wednesdays.
📌 Use once/twice a week to express frequency:
I go out with friends once a week.
🕰️ Adverbs of Frequency
✅ often
✅ generally
✅ sometimes
✅ occasionally
I generally go running around the park after I get home.
Talking About Eating Habits
🍽️ Useful expressions
✅ My meal habits are all over the place.
Sometimes I eat dinner at 7:30, sometimes at 11!
✅ Sometimes I skip meals.
If I’m busy, I might skip lunch.
✅ Me and my boyfriend take turns cooking.*
We take turns cooking dinner during the week.
✅ I’ll cook a big batch of something, then freeze it.
That way I have food ready for several days.
The sentence “Me and my boyfriend take turns cooking” is commonly used in informal speech, but it’s not grammatically correct in standard English. The correct form would be:
“My boyfriend and I take turns cooking.”
In English, it’s considered more polite and grammatically correct to put yourself last when mentioning others (i.e., “I” after “my boyfriend”).
⏰ Meal times
✅ Do you eat at the same times every day?
✅ I have to eat at the same time every day.
Because that’s the only time I have free.
✅ I might eat dinner at seven-thirty, or I might not eat until eleven.
🥗 Meal prep and lunchboxes
✅ If I’m organised, I’ll cook at the weekends so I can take food with me to work.
✅ Otherwise, I’ll buy a sandwich or something from the bakery.
🍕 Takeaway and delivery
✅ We generally get a takeaway on Friday evening.
✅ I try not to waste money on takeaways and eating out.
🌞🌙 Morning Person or Night Owl?
🌅 Morning Person
✅ I like to get some stuff finished early in the day.
✅ It helps me feel more productive.
✅ I try to go to bed by eleven.
🌙 Night Owl
✅ I’m a total night owl.
✅ I stay up late on weekends.
✅ I often go to bed quite late.
✅ I really struggle to get moving in the morning.
😴 Phrases about sleep and daily routines
✅ Sometimes I take a nap in the afternoon.
✅ If I don’t get seven or eight hours of sleep, I find it hard to focus at work.
✅ I don’t think I sleep that much.
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