Watch this video with English or Portuguese subtitles here.
I say
Let’s engage in this magical process of learning!
Watch this video with English or Portuguese subtitles here.
We don’t need “this” education!
Years of reflection on education, teaching, learning and above all, on the human being behind all that, make me pursue an alternative path! Although it is difficult to swim against the current, we do find support along the way. Countless initiatives like the TEDx Blumenau last weekend, give us support. The Pink Floyd song, Another Brick in the Wall, back in 1979, already said that!
Roger Waters wrote this song about his views on formal education. He hated his grammar school teachers and felt they were more interested in keeping the kids quiet than teaching them. The bricks in the wall were the events in Water’s life which propelled him to build this wall around him, and his school teacher was another brick in the wall. The song is meant to be satirical. Waters explained: “You couldn’t find anybody in the world more pro-education than me. But the education I went through in boys’ grammar school in the ‘50s was very controlling and demanded rebellion. The song is meant to be a rebellion against government, against people who have power over you, who are wrong. Then it absolutely demanded that you rebel against that.”
Don’t miss it! Learn and practice the lyrics here!
My motto since Day 1:
TEDx Blumenau Salon
Congratulations to the team that put this event together and its sponsors:;;
I spent a good time there with Simone Ferreira (math tutor), Noemi Kellermann (teacher and diretor-Escola de Música do Teatro Carlos Gomes) and Silvana Vieira Tambosi (teacher-Departamento de Administração/FURB) – from the left to the right.