We’ve recently learnt about catching up, that is what we do after we haven’t seen someone for some time. And one way to ask about what the person has been doing is: What have you been up to?
It’s a very useful question. Do you know what it means?
Listen to this video and make notes of the questions and possible answers.
be up to sth
to be doing something: What are you up to at the moment?
Go back, come back or get back? English learners often get confused about this. So here it goes!
come and go
We use “come” for movements to the place where the speaker or hearer is:
Maria, would you come here, please?
We use “go” for movements to other places:
I want to go and live in Greece.
Now, when what we mean is “to return”, although we can use the word “return”, it is not usually the first choice of a native speaker. The phrasal verbs go back, come back and get back (meaning movement), are a lot more used.
First watch this video:
Então… O que deve ser considerado, é onde se encontra a pessoa que está falando. Portanto, revisando:
go back
Phrasal verb composto pelo verbo to go (ir) e, o advérbio back, muito usado nos contextos em que o que se quer dizer é: voltar ou estar de volta.
Aqui falamos em voltar, retornar, para um lugar fora ou longe de onde estamos no momento da fala. Veja:
I want to go back to Thailand one day, it was so beautiful.
Did you ever go back to that Japanese restaurant? The food was delicious!
I can’t go back to that bar, the music was terrible.
Note que usamos a preposição to com go back, assim como com come back e get back.
come back
Phrasal verb composto pelo verbo to come (vir) e novamente, o advérbio back. Aqui, estamos falando de voltar ao local onde nos encontramos no momento da fala.
I just came back from my vacation in Spain, I had a great time.
Yesterday I went home for lunch and came back to work a little late.*
*Lembrando que com a palavra home não usamos preposições: I went to my home.
I lived in Rio de Janeiro for three years, but came back to São Paulo because I missed my family.
You have been on vacation for such a long time, when are you coming back?*
*Aqui usamos o present continuous (to be + gerúndio) com sentido do futuro, algo muito comum em inglês. When will you come back também é correto mas menos natural.
I always come back from the gym feeling so energized, it helps me work more productively.
Note que com o phrasal verb to come back, podemos usar a proposição to quando estamos usando o lugar onde estamos como objeto, ou from quando estamos usando o lugar de onde viemos como objeto.
get back
É sinônimo do phrasal verb to come back, e é bastante usado na língua falada informal. Lembrando que este verbo é usado para se referir ao retorno ao local onde você estava antes. Let’s have a look!
If you get back in time, you can come with us.
When we got back to the hotel, Ann had already left.
Igot back from my vacation very late last night, I’m so tired!
When will you get back from work tonight? I’ll make dinner if it’s not too late.
I leave for Cabo Frio on Saturday and get back Tuesday. *
*Usamos o present simples com sentido de futuro quando algo está arranjado, planejado ou com data fixa.
get back to
Aside from being connected with movement, this idiom is used in some other contexts.
1 to return to (a place) after going away
We got back to the office in the early afternoon.
2 to return to (an activity, condition, etc.)
Things are finally getting back to normal.
Let’s get back to the topic we were discussing yesterday.
3 to talk to or write to (someone) at a later time in order to give more information, answer a question, etc.
He got back to me (by e-mail) in a few days with a new offer.
“How much will it cost?” “I’m not sure. I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
4 to call (someone) back on the telephone
“There’s someone on the phone for you, sir.” “Tell them I can’t take their call now but I’ll get back to them as soon as I can.”
Okay! Did you enjoy all learning that? So…
My thanks to my diligent student Afonso for sharing the results of his research on go back and come back with us! 😉
Those who know me well, know what I mean! Hehe…”I made it through the winter!”
So what does “made it” mean?
you made it or I made it or we made it
used to indicate that a person succeeded at something or to indicate completion of a task
used to indicate someone’s victory
used to indicate someone’s arrival
Example Sentences
“It is so amazing that you made it because we heard that it was a very difficult task.”
“Hey, you made it! I thought you were out of town all summer?”
“I heard that you made a whole week without a single drop of alcohol. Isn’t that great?”
“I’m so glad that you made it! I really didn’t think you would come.”
“Hey Dan, you made it! That is such incredible news.”
“I spent the entire day wondering if you would make it and then suddenly I realized that he would be busy as it was a working day.”
“Jason looked forward to spending time with his dad after a year but he didn’t seem quite sure if his dad would make it.”
“I still look at my parents after 25 years of marriage and wonder how they made it so far.”
“I knew you would make it and I believed in you since the very first day we met.”
“It makes me proud to say that you made it into the university on your first attempt.”
That was a really tough job but together we made it now.
Oh man, I didn’t want to cross the river, but finally, I made it.
Other Common Sentences
You did it. You arrived.
I made or I’ve made it?
I made it is used with a reference to a specific time, often implicitly now or today. For example, one would say “I made it” after climbing to the peak of a mountain, or when saying “I made it as a professional swimmer on 2 January 1982 when I won the gold medal”.
I have made it is used without a specific reference to time. Thus, it means the event happened at some point in the past but the speaker isn’t being explicit about time. For example, “I have made it as a professional swimmer,” means the speaker succeeded in becoming a professional swimmer but isn’t being specific about the time that he succeeded. You are telling someone that, in the grand scheme of your life, you have done something.
It’s a very subtle difference. Here are some more examples:
Today I challenged myself to run a mile, and I made it.
I have always wanted to swim across the river, and now I’ve made it.
1 a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it:
a production schedule
hectic/tight (= very busy) schedule
How can he fit everything into this busy schedule?
2 a list of the times when events are planned to happen, for example, the times when classes happen or when buses, etc. leave and arrive (UK timetable):
The class schedule is available on the website.
a bus schedule
a schedule of talks at the convention
3 a formal list of something, for example prices
a schedule of postal charges
a schedule of business expenses
Now, things can happen:
on schedule
at the expected or planned time/at the right time, not early or late:
The bus arrived on schedule.
We are on schedule to meet our targets.
Her first baby arrived right on schedule.
according to schedule
at the time or in the way that was planned:
If everything goes according to schedule, work will be complete in December.
Everything went according to schedule.
ahead of schedule
early, before the planned time:
The meeting finished ahead of schedule.
If things continue to run ahead of schedule, construction could be finished two months early.
behind schedule
to do less work than you planned to do by a particular point in time:
We are already two months behind schedule.
The project started six months late and continued to fall behind schedule.
run behind schedule
1 to arrive and/or leave later than the time that is expected, after the planned time:
The trains are running behind schedule.
2 to do something or happen later than planned or expected or to take longer than planned or expected:
The doctor’s appointments are running behind schedule today.