“How do you want to be contacted?”


The best way to find out is simply to ask people how – and how often – they would like to be contacted by you.

Some people prefer email. Others like social media. Some prefer the personal touch of a phone call. Others would hate to be called, but are happy to receive material through the mail.

Make sure you listen to their answer, and respect their decision – let their contact with you guide you on this.

All Souls’ Day! Isn’t there just one thing you could do about it?

You can save a life. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncXGCrTGq4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=405]

To become an organ donor it is essential to communicate to the family the desire to donate. The organs that can be donated by people killed are: cornea, kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, and femur.

However, there are components that can be donated by living people. They are: kidney, part of the liver, the lungs and bone marrow.

The bone marrow transplant needs a much greater compatibility than any other tissue or organ to happen. Not enough to merely have the blood type, it is necessary to have a genetic characteristic compatible. The donor has to go to a hematology center, complete a questionnaire and provide a blood sample. The information goes to a national registry and the donor will only be called when there is someone compatible needing the transplant. The donation of bone marrow only occurs in life. See more information on REDOME – National Registry of Voluntary Bone Marrow Donors  http://redome.inca.gov.br/


Are you a Waster?

New week! New plans! New resolutions! And what about this one: “I will…


Take this Quiz and find out if you’re a waster! Watch this movie: https://youtu.be/3TqQFYl7lmg! And if you want to access more contents related to Food Waste, visit http://www.fao.org/home/en/, http://www.ipeasbrasil.org.br/ipeasbrasil/ and http://www.akatu.org.br/.

So, after learning all this information and thinking about it, from now on, you’re going to implement the following plan, right?
