Carnival – Vocabulary

Carnival in Brazil is part of Brazilian culture and starts on the Friday before Ash Wednesday and ends on Ash Wednesday at noon. 

It’s a big celebration of the food and pleasures one has to give up during Lent. 

Because the celebrations happen during Brazil’s summer, the ambiance is perfect for massive parties. There is even a common saying in Brazil that “the year starts only after Carnival,” referring to the number of people that take their holidays between New Year’s and Carnival, a national holiday.

How about learning the main words about carnival in English? Listen to pronunciation and note the words, not on the lists below.

Vocabulário geral

Street CarnivalCarnaval de rua
Samba schools paradeDesfile das escolas de samba
Carnival blocksBlocos de Carnaval
Carnival warm-upEsquenta de Carnaval

Nas escolas de samba

Flag bearerPorta-bandeira
Drum sectionAla da bateria
Drum section queenRainha da bateria
FloatsCarros alegóricos
Revelers / ParadersParticipantes ou público dos desfiles
Wing / SectionAla
Access groupGrupo de acesso
Special groupGrupo especial
Parade of championsDesfile das campeãs


  • Band on a float – Trio elétrico
  • Carnival ball – Baile de Carnaval
  • Carnival marchs – Marchinhas de Carnaval
  • Commission of front – Comissão de frente
  • Revelry – Folia
  • Samba schools rehersals – Ensaios das escolas de samba
  • Samba-plot/story – Samba–enredo

Sobre as datas

Mardi Gras / Fat TuesdayTerça-feira de Carnaval
Ash WednesdayQuarta-feira de Cinzas

Verbos úteis

(To) celebrate CarnivalPular Carnaval
(To) dress up asVestir-se de
(To) paradeDesfilar
(To) sambaSambar

Frases úteis

  • Where are you celebrating the carnival? Onde você vai pular o carnaval?
  • Are you going to parade in a street block this year? Você vai desfilar em algum bloco de rua esse ano?
  • The revelers of the drum section are wearing beautiful costumes! Os foliões da ala de bateria estão usando fantasias lindas!
  • Let’s go to the bleachers to watch the parade of champions. Vamos para as arquibancadas para vermos o desfile das campeãs.

Now, marchinhas em inglês

Have fun!

Do you celebrate Carnival?

The world’s biggest carnival celebrations happen in Brazil. In Rio and São Paulo, the samba schools (escolas de samba) offer the famous parades (desfiles) in the Sambódromo, with thousands of members and spectacularly decorated floats (carros alegóricos) demonstrating specific themes.

During carnival, groups of dancers and street bands called blocks (blocos) parade the streets with many of the revelers (foliões) wearing costumes (fantasias).

Another popular feature of carnival, especially in Salvador, is the trio elétrico – band on a float, a huge truck, adapted with giant speakers and a stage on top, where musicians and singers perform to the delight of thousands of fans who follow the truck as it goes slowly through the streets.

Throughout the country, many clubs also arrange carnival balls (bailes).

The state of Pernambuco is famous for its carnival celebrations and the styles of music and dancing (Frevo and Maracatu). According to The Guinness Book of Records, Recife hosts the largest carnival parade in the world, known as the Galo da Madrugada – Lit. the cock or rooster (US) at daybreak, which takes place in the center of Recife on the Saturday of carnival.

Okay, so whether you celebrate carnival (pular o carnaval) by partying noisily or relaxing quietly at home, do what makes you happy!

Source: Break the Branch? Quebrar o Galho – Common, Everyday Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese, de Jack Scholes, Disal Editora, 2008.

Adjectives for Feelings

In this lesson, you are going to learn some adjectives that describe you moods (emotional states), that is, you will learn to express how you are feeling: sad, angry, anxious, and much more.

Imagine the following situation: you met a friend you haven’t seen in a while and, when you say hello (“Hey, how are you?”), He replies (check here for answers): “Oh, I’m OK, but I’m feeling a little bit cranky ”. What do you imagine he means? Is he bored? Tired out? No, no, cranky means “grumpy”. Do you know when you don’t sleep well and wake up angry? So that’s it!

Now, let’s see some more mood adjectives:

Angry (nervoso, bravo)
I’m angry because the bus is late.

Anxious (ansioso, com o coração apertado)
She’s feeling anxious due to the presentation.

Ashamed (envergonhado)
That woman just fell on the street. I bet she is feeling ashamed right now.

Bored (entediado)
Rainy Sundays get me so bored.

Calm (calmo)
They fought yesterday but they seem to be calm now.

Confident (confiante)
My brother studied so hard for the test. He’s confident he will pass.

Confused (confuso)
I’m feeling a little bit confused.

Depressed (deprimido)
After seeing that movie we all got a little depressed.

Disappointed (decepcionado)
His boss was disappointed with his project.

Embarrassed (envergonhado)
Stop it! I get so embarrassed when you do this.

Excited (entusiasmado)
Wow! The new X-Men movie is out. I’m so excited!

Exhausted (exausto)
After hours on the bus, I’m exhausted.

Frustrated (frustrado)
Her sister got so frustrated when she heard about that rumour.

Happy, cheerful (feliz)
She’s feeling more cheerful today. I got a promotion at work! I’m so happy right now!

Impatient (impaciente)
Wow, that man must be really impatient, he is pushing everyone around.

Jealous (ciumento)
Every time he checks her facebook page, he gets jealous.

Lazy (preguiçoso)
I feel so lazy right now. I think I’ll order a pizza.

Lonely (solitário)
There’s no one at home and she’s feeling lonely.

Moody (mal-humorado)
My father woke up so moody today. I bet he had a nightmare.

Nervous (nervoso, ansioso)
He gets nervous before tests.

Relaxed (tranquilo)
When you start doing yoga, you get more relaxed each day.

Relieved (aliviado)
She felt relieved when she saw the test had been cancelled.

Sad (triste)
He told me he was sad because his dog passed away.

Scared (assustado)
The little boy got scared when he saw the lion at the zoo.

Shocked (chocado)
My uncle told me he was shocked after the robbery.

Shy (tímido,envergonhado, reservado) He was a quiet, shy man.

Tense (tenso)
When I left home, my wife was feeling so tense. She has a job interview today.

Tired (cansado)
After a long day of work, I get so tired.

Touched, moved (emocionado)
He was touched by the music. I got touched reading that book you lent me.

Uncomfortable (desconfortável, sem graça, sem jeito)
I got uncomfortable when they started fighting in front of me.

Weird (estranho)
I don’t know, I’m feeling weird.

So now you know how to express what you feel in English in a more diverse way. Remember to use the verb to be to speak how you are. You can also choose to use the verb to feel, which means “sentir(-se)” and to get with the sense of “tornar(-se)”, “alterar o estado”.

Online or face-to-face?

Todos sabemos como a tecnologia favorece a comunicação.

O online representa conveniência e flexibilidade.

De acordo com o Cambridge Dictionary:

ONLINE, adjetivo, UK  /ˈɒn.laɪn/ US  /ˈɑːn.laɪn/ , aquilo que está relacionado a um computador, ou está disponível através de um computador ou uma rede, sobretudo a Internet.

an online clothing store / uma loja de roupas on-line

ONLINE advérbio

You can book your tickets online. / Você pode reservar seus ingressos on-line.

FACE-TO-FACE advérbio, adjetivo, /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ em pessoa, encontro cara a cara no mesmo lugar.

We’ve spoken on the phone but never face-to-face. / Falamos ao telefone, mas nunca cara a cara.

Mas a prática durante o recente período de pandemia, mostrou-nos e ainda nos tem mostrado, que a comunicação face a face, uma aula face-to-face, não precisa necessariamente ser feita por pessoas no mesmo espaço físico.

Os benefícios do face-to-face também podem ser alcançados através de um ambiente virtual, numa aula online.

Muitos têm compreendido o face-to-face, a comunicação face a face ou frente a frente, além do que o dicionário define, ou seja, apenas como poder ver a outra parte ou partes em uma conversa.

No entanto, devemos concordar, que a comunicação, a aula face-to-face no mesmo ambiente, permite uma troca ainda mais rica, quando tanto o falante quanto o ouvinte, são capazes de ver e interpretar linguagem corporal e expressões faciais, um do outro.

O encontro face-to-face presencial, envia uma mensagem antes mesmo da pessoa dizer uma palavra.

Ambos, falante e ouvinte, professor e aluno, que devem alternar-se nessas posições, se enriquecem, podendo calibrar suas entregas com o que percebem através de tom, inflexão de voz, emoção e linguagem corporal.

Cada um pode ver, perceber melhor, e assim responder melhor, às reações do outro.

Na minha experiência, observo que é mais fácil enfatizar as principais mensagens de uma fala ou explicação, reiterar e expandir ideias, incentivar feedback e engajamento contínuo, gerar e manter o foco, na aula face-to-face no mesmo ambiente.

O encontro, a aula, face-to-face no mesmo ambiente, pode ser o antídoto para nossa era digital de ritmo acelerado, e demasiada interferência de equipamentos entre nós, quando o grande número de canais de comunicação disponíveis nos leva à sobrecarga de mensagens ou desconexão.

Mantenhamos abertas as possibilidades e os esforços, para aproveitarmos o melhor que ambas as experiências, virtuais e presenciais, podem nos oferecer.

Governos, escolas, universidades, empresas, efetivamente sairam da pandemia com alguns modelos de encontros, que em inglês são:

  • fully virtual;
  • hybrid, blended model or schedule;
  • in-person teaching with remote students;
  • teaching online and in-person simultaneously.

A seguir, as muitas combinações possíveis, para nos referirmos aos seguintes temas relacionados à educação:


  • in-person, face-to-face, in-class, classroom, classroom-based, traditionalpresential, on-campus onlineremote COURSE


  • in-person, face-to-face, traditional / onlineremoteand remote live CLASS


  • in-person, traditional/virtual, remote, online CLASSROOM


  • in-person / online, virtual school
  • online, distance EDUCATION


  • in-person, face to face, classroom-based, *traditional / virtualonlineremotedistance / blended *LEARNING/TEACHING


  • in-person/ remote, virtual STUDENT


  • hybrid, blended MODEL or SCHEDULE (under)


  • remote, online, and hybrid INSTRUCTION


  • being taught remotely, online or in a hybrid remote/online FORMAT

Veja também as lições Remote classesComputer problems, e A ‘dead’ battery?

The seasons

Do you know how to answer these questions?

What/which season is it now?

  • It is …
  • We are currently in …

What is your favorite season? Why?
My favorite season is _____ because _____.

The four seasons, as shown above, are:

  • spring
  • summer
  • autumn or fall
  • winter

Fall is used in American English.
Autumn is used in British English.

IN + Season

We use the preposition IN before a season.

  • People go to the beach in summer.
  • It rains a lot in winter.
  • There are many flowers in spring.
  • Leaves fall from the trees in autumn.

Listen to You’ve Got a Friend, sung by James Taylor, in which he mentions the seasons.

Work on the lyrics while playing the game, and have fun!