Re-think what you are doing…

This is a very special time of the year. People have the chance to meet family, friends, to think about the year  that has just ended and to make plans for the coming year. So take this opportunity to re-think what you are doing to the planet, to the people close to you and most of all, to yourself…


The image above, shows the man and the animal. It reminded me of the words from Pedro Kupfer, which are in Portuguese, but describe really well,  what I want, for you and for me.

Enjoy the holiday season! Celebrate the year that has just ended!

Celebrate the new year, a new chance in front of you! And make the best of it!

Andrea Althoff

Se você consegue viver sem cafeína,
Se resiste a se lamuriar,
Se aceita quando quem ama não tem tempo para você,
Se tolera críticas sem se imutar,…
Se consegue aceitar os defeitos dos seus amigos,
Se se relaciona com o mundo através da verdade,
Se lida com a sua ansiedade sem usar remédios,
Se relaxa sem usar álcool,
Se não discrimina ninguém por credo, cor ou orientação sexual,
Então você quase alcançou o nível espiritual do seu cachorro de estimação.

Find my previous message about the blog posts here.


Watch these two videos. Learn how AIDS changed everything… Look back at the key moments in the AIDS response…


Every day 700 children acquire HIV; however, in 2011 only one third of children exposed to HIV were tested for the virus within the recommended two months. This is largely because it requires complex laboratory technology that is often only available at central laboratories. Also, results can take a long time to come back, which means that families do not always return for the results and never learn of a child’s HIV status. Without knowing the HIV status of a child it is impossible to access life-saving treatment. Without treatment, half of all children born with HIV will die by the age of two and the majority will die by the age of five.


COP21: It’s your world!


The world is where we live. It’s your world! And it’s simply amazing!


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