New year, fresh starts. Just because you deserve it!

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

Henri Bergson

Melhorar sempre! Modificar para melhorar!

What a good feeling!

É hora de empurrar os limites, ganhar mais espaço para acomodar melhor o que aí está, e o que virá…

É hora de olhar para trás para buscar aquilo que fez a nossa história, e que segue fazendo-a.

Olhar para trás para poder dizer: Isso foi bom! Isso fica! Isso irá crescer e ficará ainda melhor!

And now, I’m so happy for being able to look back and realize that good changes have happened, little by little, but always! Expansion, always!

These were my first logos! The one on the left dates back to 2010, and it was created to celebrate 10 years of English Language Teaching.  It was updated 2 years later, to the one on the right.


In 2013 a motto for the year was added.


Then, new for 2014!


A change in the design of the butterfly and the caterpillar was carried out for 2015!


In the following year, only the butterfly was kept to express change.


In 2017, my picture was added to the logo!


In 2018 a big change happened! We came up with a more colorful logo! Everybody loved it!

Face e Blog 2018

And now: tada!!!


This is just one fresh start! But hold your horses!! More coming up soon!!!

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