Complete the following sentences:
Would you like to come to lunch with Noah and ___?
Just between you and ___ …
When the word in question is the object of a preposition and not the subject of a sentence or phrase, we should use the object pronoun.

A subject pronoun is the performer of the action in a sentence.
The object pronoun is the receiver of the action in a sentence.
So the correct answers are:
Would you like to come to lunch with Noah and me?
Just between you and me…
I is a subject pronoun and me is an object pronoun.
I like chocolate. / The call is for me.
So a good way to check yourself is to remove the other person.

And just one more important thing:
It is considered polite to mention oneself last in double subjects or objects.
Why don’t you and I go away for the weekend?
The invitation was for Tracy and me.