Ouch! My toe!

Ohh! It hurts!! I’m sure this has already happened to you: when you hit/stub your toe on bed posts, furniture legs or toys!

Do you know the names of the toes? And the fingers?

Special thanks to my student Afonso for sharing his real nightmare and for bringing this up! 😉

To bring somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb
to mention a subject or start to talk about it

I’ll write it down!

Write down your goals

When you write something down, you record it on a piece of paper using a pen or pencil.

If I don’t write it down, I’ll forget it.

Write down seven words that describe how you feel.

Okay! I hope you’ve written this down so don’t forget it!




Say or tell: exercises


Ontem vimos como usar say e tell. Hoje vamos praticar.

Ok guys, let’s practice:

1. He __________ he didn’t care about that job anymore.
a) said               b) told

2. I forgot to __________ happy birthday to her.
a) say                b) tell

3. What did you __________ the boss?
a) say                b) tell

4. He couldn’t help me. He __________ to ask Robert.
a) said               b) told

5. My mom __________ that I had to find a new girlfriend.
a) said               b) told

6. She __________ him to stop following them.
a) said               b) told

7. Don’t __________ anybody.
a) say                b) tell

8. I __________: ”I can’t stay here anymore.”
a) said               b) told

9. Hey, why didn’t you __________ her the truth?
a) say               b) tell

10. The doctor __________ that there’s nothing wrong with me.
a) said               b) told

11. Excuse me, can you __________ me the time?
a) say                 b) tell

There you go guys!

Respostas: 1a; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10a; 11b


Say or tell?

Alguns aprendizes da língua inglesa, estão precisando rever isto! So here it goes!

Quando queremos dizer que alguém falou ou disse algo, podemos usar dois verbos: say e tell. Esses verbos,
têm significado semelhante, mas não são iguais.

O verbo tell é utilizado quando os dois participantes da conversa estão incluídos. Então, you


Mary told me she was in the hospital. [A  Mary me disse que ela estava no hospital.]

He told me (that) he was tired. [Ele  me disse que estava cansado.]
Tell  me what’s going on!  [Me  diga o que está acontecendo!]

Já o verbo say, apresenta apenas um participante da conversa. You


Mary said (that) she was in the hospital. [A  Mary disse que ela estava no hospital.]

He said (that) he was tired. [Ele falou que estava cansado.]

She said (that) blue is her favorite color. [Ela  disse que azul é a cor favorita dela.]


No entanto, podemos incluir  os dois participantes da conversa, se usarmos say to. Então you 


That’s what I said to him. [Foi isso que eu disse a ele.]

Say and tell

De qualquer maneira, o verbo tell é muito mais  comum nessas situações do que o say to.

Também usamos o tell quando nos  referimos a “contar uma história” [tell  a story], “contar uma piada” [tell  a joke], “contar uma mentira”,[tell a lie], “contar a verdade” [tell  the truth], “contar um segredo” [tell  a secret].

Grandpa always tells us his stories. [O  vovô sempre nos conta suas histórias.]

Tell him the truth. [Conte a verdade a ele.]

I’m going to  tell you a joke. [Vou  te contar uma piada.]

Got it? So tell me if you got it and check tomorrow’s Blog post for exercises!
