Preposition on: exercises

Hey folks! How have you all been?

Trabalhamos numa série de posts sobre as preposições in, seus exercícios, on e at. Hoje, vamos praticar o on.

Fill in the gaps with the options below:

1 – I have English classes________________. (nas quartas-feiras)

2 – Let’s go out _________________________. (no sábado à noite)

3 – My birthday is ________________________. (no dia 29 de maio)

4 – ____________________ I want to sleep in! (No meu aniversário)

5 – A butterfly landed______________________. (no meu dedo)

6 – I’m still ____________________________. (no ônibus)

7 – I love that picture ____________________. (na parede)

8 – Why are all these books ________________? (no chão)

9 – She lives _____________________________ (na rua 26). 

Check your answers now: 1 – on Wednesdays; 2 – on Saturday (evening)/(night); 3 – on May 29th; 4 – On my birthday; 5 – on my finger; 6 – on the bus; 7 – on the wall; 8 – on the floor; 9 – on 26th Street

Agora é só aguardar pelo próximo post com exercícios sobre at, para ficar ainda mais fera nas preposições em inglês! Bye guys!

Preposition in: exercises

Postei novamente, uma série sobre as preposições in, on e at. Chegou a hora de praticarmos.

Match the phrases with their equivalent and put them in the sentences below:

1 – In the mirror

2 – In bed

3 – In the kitchen

4 – In the car

5 – In here

6 – In 2015

7 – In (the) winter

8 – In (the) spring

9 – In the afternoon

10 – In the evening

11 – In March

12 – In Paris

( ) Na cama/de cama

( ) Em Paris

( ) No espelho

( ) Em março

( ) Na primavera

( ) No inverno

( ) No carro/dentro do carro

( ) À tarde/ de tarde

( ) Aqui/aqui dentro

( ) Na cozinha/dentro da cozinha

( ) Em 2015

( ) À noite/ de noite

Now, check your answers and put them in the sentences below: 2; 12; 1; 11; 8; 7; 4; 9; 5; 3; 6; 10

He is ____________ with a sore throat. (de cama)

C’mon! Get _____________! (no carro)

Look ____________________ now. (no espelho)

He’s _______________________ doing the dishes. (na cozinha)

It’s really hot ______________. (aqui dentro)

We’ll meet ________________. (em Paris)

The classes start _______________. (em março)

I’ll call you___________________. (à noite)

She has classes_________________. (à tarde)

We never get to travel ____________________. (na primavera)

The baby was born___________. (em 2015)

They went to Canada_____________________. (no inverno)

Check your answers: In bed / in the car / in the mirror / in the kitchen / in here / in Paris / in March / in the evening / in the afternoon / in (the) spring / in 2015 / in (the) winter

É isso por hoje, guys! Well done!

Say or tell: exercises


Ontem vimos como usar say e tell. Hoje vamos praticar.

Ok guys, let’s practice:

1. He __________ he didn’t care about that job anymore.
a) said               b) told

2. I forgot to __________ happy birthday to her.
a) say                b) tell

3. What did you __________ the boss?
a) say                b) tell

4. He couldn’t help me. He __________ to ask Robert.
a) said               b) told

5. My mom __________ that I had to find a new girlfriend.
a) said               b) told

6. She __________ him to stop following them.
a) said               b) told

7. Don’t __________ anybody.
a) say                b) tell

8. I __________: ”I can’t stay here anymore.”
a) said               b) told

9. Hey, why didn’t you __________ her the truth?
a) say               b) tell

10. The doctor __________ that there’s nothing wrong with me.
a) said               b) told

11. Excuse me, can you __________ me the time?
a) say                 b) tell

There you go guys!

Respostas: 1a; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10a; 11b

Exercises: Present Simple

Que tal praticarmos o Present Simple?


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets:

1 – My dad doesn’t work, but my mom ___________ a lot. (to work)

2 – He _________ to stay here. (to have)

3 – Carol _______________ to the gym every single day. (to go)

4 – I’m not OK with that, but my husband ____________ the idea. (to like)

5 – He ___________ his homework in the morning. (to do)

6 – She _____________ to read a book. (to prefer)

7 – The baby ___________ to eat.  (to need)

8 – She ____________ to travel abroad. (to want)

9 – My son ______________ in the morning. (to study)

10 – Her daughter ______________ professionally.  (to sing)

11 – His kid _____________ TV all day long! (to watch)

12 – She always _____________ to music. (to listen)

Check your answers now!


1 – works; 2 – has, 3 – goes; 4 – likes, 5 – does, 6 – prefers, 7 – needs, 8 – wants, 9 – studies, 10 – sings, 11 – watches, 12 – listens

Bye for now, guys!

By Bruna Iubel