Top 15 Compliments

These are top 15 compliments you always want to hear and should give as well!

Great job!

You’re handsome.

You are an awesome friend.

You have a great sense of humor.

Your smile is beautiful.

I love your cooking.
You have good taste.
You look gorgeous.

You have a way with words.

Your resume is impressive.
Your inside is even more beautiful than your outside.

You make me want to be a better person.

That jacket looks nice on you.

I know that it was a tough project, but your performance exceeded my expectations.
You’re smart!
Listen to these sentences here.

And now, last but not least…

Last but not least

A dica de hoje é a frase last but not least que é usada para enfatizar algo que você deixou por último em uma apresentação por exemplo, ou mesmo quando está explicando uma série de coisas, e ao falar do último tópico resolve enfatizar a importância do mesmo, ou seja, está por último pela ordem mas não é menos importante que os anteriores. Podemos traduzir para o português como: por último, mas não / de forma alguma / nem por isso, o menos importante.

Veja alguns exemplos:

This is Jeremy, this is Olivia and, last but not least, this is Eva.
Esse é o Jeremy, essa é a Olivia e, por último mas não menos importante, essa é a Eva.

Last but not least, we are discussing the powers of this new authority.

Por último mas não menos importante, nós estamos discutindo os poderes desta nova autoridade.

Last but not least Gary in midfield has been brilliant.

Por último mas não menos importante, Gary tem sido brilhante no meio-campo.

And now, last but not least, I’d like to present Bill Smith, who will give us some final words.

E agora, por último mas não menos importante, eu gostaria de apresentar Bill Smith, que vai nos dar algumas palavras finais.

And last but not least, I’d like to thank a man who’s been a real inspiration to me: Dick Smith.

E por último mas não menos importante, eu gostaria de agradecer um homem que foi uma grande inspiração pra mim: Dick Smith.

And last but not least, I’d like to introduce you to the Director, Michael Simpson.

E por último mas não menos importante, eu gostaria de apresentá-los o Diretor, Michael Simpson.

And finally, last but not least… the boss!!

E finalmente, por último mas não menos importante… o chefe!!

Worth watching!!

Here he comes!! Gavin! He’s so funny! I love him!

Did you like these tips? Do you think they were worth watching?

By the way, what does worth watching mean?

be worth (doing)  used to say that something is interesting, useful, or helpful:
A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.
The film is well worth seeing.

Worth watching

Got it? You’ll see later on that this was worth learning! Hehe…

It doesn’t matter now!

At the other day, when a student and I were working together, there was this need to introduce him to the expression: “It doesn’t matter”. Then, he showed me this song. It’s a cute, catchy song and I loved it! Listen to it! Have fun and work on it here!

Important! Song lyrics will ignore the rules of standard grammar and should never be used as a guide. The songwriter may pick a non-standard form so that it matches the rhythm of the song better, so that it rhymes better, because it is more evocative of a place or time, because it is in, or emulating a dialect, to be provocative or rebellious, and so on.

So “It doesn’t matter!” is correct.

It doesnt matter1