Daily routine 3

What do you do every day? What’s a typical day like for you?

Learning how to talk about your daily routine is super important, and we’ve already learned lots of useful words and phrases with Daily routine 1 and Daily routine 2.

In this lesson, you’ll learn different ways to talk about:
✅ how you work
✅ your free time and hobbies
✅ meals and eating habits
✅ activities and sleep habits

Listen carefully to the pronunciation, and remember — you can slow down the playback speed by clicking the Settings icon if you need to.

Talking About Your Work Routine

🕒 Talking about your work schedule

I start work at [time], and I finish at [time].

I work from [time] to [time].

I usually finish work by [time] at the latest.

I finish at [time] at the earliest.

I’m at the office from [time] till [time].

I work different hours every day. (To freelancers)

🏃‍♂️ Talking about flexible schedules or set routines

I like to get an early start.

I take a long lunch break.

I take a short lunch break.

I try to leave on time.

I never stay late or do overtime.

⏰ Talking about working long hours or staying late

I often have to stay late at work.

Sometimes I stay late if there’s something I need to finish.

I work long hours.

🚗 Talking about commuting

My commute takes around [time].

I don’t miss commuting every day.

I have to leave the house at [time] at the latest.

🌟 Bonus expressions to help you sound more natural

It suits me.

It’s not all fun and games.

It sucks!

📚 Vocabulary tip

  • at the earliest
  • at the latest

Talking About Free Time Habits

🛋️ If you prefer to relax at home

I just crash on the sofa and watch TV.

I don’t have the energy to do much after work.

During the work week, there just isn’t the time to do much.

🏃‍♂️ If you’re more active and like to go out

I like to get out of the house when I can.

I try to arrange something most evenings.

I prefer to stay busy.

🏀 Talking about specific activities

I’ve started going to a boxing class twice a week.
I play tennis on Wednesdays.
I also play basketball every Thursday.
I go out with friends for a coffee or a drink once or twice a week.

📌 Use on + day of the week:
I play tennis on Wednesdays.

📌 Use once/twice a week to express frequency:
I go out with friends once a week.

🕰️ Adverbs of Frequency


I generally go running around the park after I get home.

Talking About Eating Habits

🍽️ Useful expressions

My meal habits are all over the place.
Sometimes I eat dinner at 7:30, sometimes at 11!

Sometimes I skip meals.
If I’m busy, I might skip lunch.

Me and my boyfriend take turns cooking.*
We take turns cooking dinner during the week.

I’ll cook a big batch of something, then freeze it.
That way I have food ready for several days.


The sentence “Me and my boyfriend take turns cooking” is commonly used in informal speech, but it’s not grammatically correct in standard English. The correct form would be:

“My boyfriend and I take turns cooking.”

In English, it’s considered more polite and grammatically correct to put yourself last when mentioning others (i.e., “I” after “my boyfriend”).

⏰ Meal times

Do you eat at the same times every day?

I have to eat at the same time every day.
Because that’s the only time I have free.

I might eat dinner at seven-thirty, or I might not eat until eleven.

🥗 Meal prep and lunchboxes

If I’m organised, I’ll cook at the weekends so I can take food with me to work.

Otherwise, I’ll buy a sandwich or something from the bakery.

🍕 Takeaway and delivery

We generally get a takeaway on Friday evening.

I try not to waste money on takeaways and eating out.

🌞🌙 Morning Person or Night Owl?

🌅 Morning Person

I like to get some stuff finished early in the day.

It helps me feel more productive.

I try to go to bed by eleven.

🌙 Night Owl

I’m a total night owl.

I stay up late on weekends.

I often go to bed quite late.

I really struggle to get moving in the morning.

😴 Phrases about sleep and daily routines

Sometimes I take a nap in the afternoon.

If I don’t get seven or eight hours of sleep, I find it hard to focus at work.

I don’t think I sleep that much.


Test your understanding of the vocabulary and ideas you saw in this lesson by clicking here.

Daily routine I

Aprender a falar sobre sua rotina diária (daily routine) é muito importante. Veremos o vocabulário básico que você precisa para isso.

Listen carefully to the pronunciation and do the exercises.

Key Vocabulary

Aqui estão algumas palavras e frases para descrever a sua rotina:

  • Wake up – Acordar
  • Turn off the alarm – Desligar o alarme
  • Get up – Levantar-se
  • Take a shower / I have a shower – Tomar banho
  • Get dressed – Vestir-se
  • Comb the hair – Pentear-se
  • Make breakfast / Eat breakfast / Have breakfast – Tomar café da manhã
  • Brush my teeth – Escovar os dentes
  • Go to work / school – Ir para o trabalho / escola
  • Start work at 9 – Começar a trabalhar às 9h
  • Answer emails – Responder e-mails
  • Eat lunch / Have lunch – Almoçar
  • Work on the computer – Trabalhar no computador
  • Finish work / school at 5 – Terminar o trabalho / a escola às 17h
  • Go home – Ir para casa
  • Arrive home – Chegar em casa
  • Feed the dog – Alimentar o cachorro
  • Cook dinner / Eat dinner / Have dinner – Jantar
  • Watch TV – Assistir TV
  • Read a book – Ler um livro
  • Go to bed – Ir dormir
  • Fall asleep – Adormecer
  • Have classes – Ter aulas
  • Do my homework – Fazer meu dever de casa

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks

Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the vocabulary list.

  1. I ________ at 6:30 a.m. every day. (wake up / fall asleep)
  2. After I ________ the alarm, I get up. (answer / turn off)
  3. I always ________ before I go to work. (take a shower / work on the computer)
  4. After breakfast, I ________ my teeth. (brush / sleep)
  5. She ________ at 9 a.m. every day. (starts work / finishes work)
  6. At 1 p.m., I ________ lunch. (go / have)
  7. After lunch, I ________ my emails. (go / answer)
  8. In the evening, I ________ TV before bed. (watch / eat)

Exercise 2: Put the sentences in the correct order

Arrange the following sentences in the order you do them in your daily routine.

a) I brush my teeth.
b) I wake up at 7 a.m.
c) I go to bed at 10 p.m.
d) I take a shower.
e) I have breakfast.

Exercise 3: Match the columns

Match the phrases on the left with their meanings on the right.

  1. Wake up –––– a. Responder e-mails
  2. Get dressed –––– b. Chegar em casa
  3. Answer emails –––– c. Acordar
  4. Arrive home –––– d. Vestir-se

Exercise 4: True or False

Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false for you.

  1. “I work on the computer before I take a shower.”
  2. “I finish work / school at 3 p.m.”
  3. “I feed the dog before I get up.”
  4. “I watch TV after dinner.”

Exercise 5: Written Practice

Answer the following questions:

  1. What time do you wake up?
  2. Do you have breakfast every day? What do you eat?
  3. What time do you start work or school?
  4. What do you do after dinner?

Extra practice: Interactive game

Extra Practice Advanced: What’s your daily routine like?

Como é a sua rotina diária? Descreva as atividades que você faz no seu dia, desde que acorda até ir dormir.

Corpus Christi: the Body of Christ we receive and are called to become. Is it a long weekend for you?

Carefully listen to the beautiful message below. Take notes of the new words or the entire sentences, and notice pronunciation.

Então, Corpus Christi será um feriadão, um feriado prolongado para você? Sabe como dizer isso em inglês?

Quando um feriado cai próximo ao final de semana, e empresas ou escolas fazem um recesso na quinta e sexta, ou segunda e terça, chamamos em inglês de long weekend.

Você pode dizer também, three-day weekend, quando o feriado é na sexta ou na segunda, ou four-day weekend, se é na quinta, com recesso na sexta. 

E as perguntas mais comuns antes de um feriado prolongado são: 

Como será seu feriadão? Como/Onde você passará o feriadão? O que você fará neste feriado prolongado? Você tem planos para o feriado?

  • How is your long weekend going to be?
  • How/Where are you going to spend your three-day weekend?
  • What are you going to do this long weekend?
  • Do you have any plans for the holiday?

Agora que tal usar estas perguntas juntamente com o vocabulário para este feriado de Corpus Christi?

Então complete as frases com as palavras ou expressões que faltam:

1- Thursday is a__________________.  It’s _____________________. (Quinta-feira é feriado. É…).

2- It’s _________________________ for me.  (É/não é um feriadão/feriado de quatro dias para mim.)

3- There are many_______________________in Brazil.  (Há muitos feriados cristãos no Brasil.)

4- Corpus Christi always __________________ a Thursday.  (Corpus Christi sempre cai em uma   quinta-feira.)

5- I’m in a__________________.  (Estou em clima de feriado.)

6- We’re ____________________ Corpus Christi at/in _____________________.  (Passaremos Corpus Christi……)

Confira suas respostas: 1 – holiday/Corpus Christi; 2 – long weekend/a four-day weekend; 3 – Christian holidays; 4- falls on; 5 – holiday mood; 6 – spend.


  • Enjoy your holiday! Aproveite/curta seu feriado!
  • Have a great holiday! Tenha um ótimo feriado!

Quer mais? Clique aqui.

WORLD: Pronunciation

Many people have difficulty pronouncing the word WORLD, especially the American pronunciation, because of the two consonant sounds, R and L, one after the other.

former 12-year-old student put together his idea this way:

What an ingenious idea! Way to go, Rodrigo!

Later, searching for material to create this lesson, I found the video of a teacher who says about the same. Listen carefully.

Another teacher presents the pronunciation of WORLD from a different perspective. She adds some helpful information.

So now you have some valuable information to help you pronounce such an everyday word correctly.

I’m kinda sad!

Kinda sorta

Hi everyone! The other day I used kinda in a post, which was really appropriate. I think it’s about time for me to tell you what it means. Listen carefully to the following video.

Então, existem duas maneiras diferentes de usar estas palavras em inglês. A primeira é usar kindsort e type quando você está falando sobre diferentes categorias ou grupos de coisas. E a segunda maneira de usar kind e sort (mas não type) é ao expressar incerteza sobre algo.


Essas palavras sempre vêm acompanhadas da preposição “of”: kind of, sort of, e type of . Exemplos:

1. What type of music do you like? (Que tipo de música você gosta?)

2. What are the different kinds of spices in this cake? (Quais são os diferentes tipos de condimentos desse bolo?)

3. That magazine prints fake news and all sorts of other rubbish. (Aquela revista publica notícias falsas e todo tipo de besteira.)


Kind + of = kinda e sort + of = sorta. Essas palavras são usadas no geral para expressar a ideia de “um pouco” ou “meio”. Podemos também usá-las para estabelecer incerteza ou quando achamos que a nossa opinião poderá ofender alguém.

1. Mm, I’m kinda cold, could you please close the window? (Estou com um pouquinho de frio, você poderia fechar a janela?)

2. Do you like tomatoes? Mm, sorta. (Você gosta de tomates? Mais ou menos.)


Essa expressão às vezes significa um pouco (1) e outras vezes muito (2). Também, pode mostrar indecisão (3) ou ser usada quando você está com preguiça (4). Independente da forma como é usada, essa expressão é muito popular hoje em dia, então é importante conhecê-la. Essa expressão é usada de diversas maneiras:

1. Who is that actor? / Oh, he used to be kinda-sorta famous back in the 90s. (Quem é aquele ator? / Ah, ele costumava ser um pouco famoso nos anos 90.)

2. How’s my writing paper? / Um, it still kinda-sorta needs some work. (Como está minha redação? / Hum, ainda precisa de muitas melhoras.)

3. So, are you guys, like, together? / Well, we’re kinda-sorta boyfriend/girlfriend. (Então, vocês dois estão, tipo, juntos? / Bem, nós somos meio que namorados.)

4. Do you wanna go out tonight? / Mm…kinda-sorta, not really, maybe, but yeah, okay. (Você quer sair hoje à noite? / Humm, mais ou menos, não muito, talvez, mas tá, ok.)

That’s it! Em que situações você usa kind, sort ou type na sua vida? Please, share it with me!