What’s your zodiac sign?

Astrology! Do you ever read your horoscope?

Which sign of the zodiac were you born under/in?

Astrology correlates the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, at the time of a person’s birth with events on Earth, including human personality and natural phenomena.

It is based on the idea that the positions of these celestial objects at the time of a person’s birth can influence their character, behavior, and destiny.

Astrology typically involves dividing the sky into twelve sections or “houses,” each associated with a zodiac sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.), and the positions of celestial bodies within these houses are thought to influence a person’s life.

So, do you know what your zodiac sign is?

or simply:

What is your sign? or

What is your zodiac sign / star sign / sun sign, or astrological sign?

Zodiac signs

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Depending on the month you were born, you have an animal or some symbol that represents that month.

Are star signs important to you? Do you know the characteristics someone with your star sign should have?

Listen carefully and take note of the adjectives.

Advanced – Personality Traits

Here is a comprehensive list of words for personality traits. Reflect on them. Look them up in a dictionary and decide which is positive, negative or neutral.

  • BOLD
  • FAIR

Now watch the video and look at each zodiac sign and the characteristics that belong to which one of them. Hehe.


1 Do you think the information about your own star sign is accurate? Why / Why not?
2 Which star sign do you think would be the best / worst match for you? Why?
3 Do you know the difference between astrology and astronomy?
4 Would you go to see an astrologist?
5 Would you like to know your future? Would that be what you want to know?
6 What would it take to convince you that astrology works?


For a Beginners practice but good as a review for prices and dates, click:


Online or face-to-face?

Todos sabemos como a tecnologia favorece a comunicação.

O online representa conveniência e flexibilidade.

De acordo com o Cambridge Dictionary:

ONLINE, adjetivo, UK  /ˈɒn.laɪn/ US  /ˈɑːn.laɪn/ , aquilo que está relacionado a um computador, ou está disponível através de um computador ou uma rede, sobretudo a Internet.

an online clothing store / uma loja de roupas on-line

ONLINE advérbio

You can book your tickets online. / Você pode reservar seus ingressos on-line.

FACE-TO-FACE advérbio, adjetivo, /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ em pessoa, encontro cara a cara no mesmo lugar.

We’ve spoken on the phone but never face-to-face. / Falamos ao telefone, mas nunca cara a cara.

Mas a prática durante o recente período de pandemia, mostrou-nos e ainda nos tem mostrado, que a comunicação face a face, uma aula face-to-face, não precisa necessariamente ser feita por pessoas no mesmo espaço físico.

Os benefícios do face-to-face também podem ser alcançados através de um ambiente virtual, numa aula online.

Muitos têm compreendido o face-to-face, a comunicação face a face ou frente a frente, além do que o dicionário define, ou seja, apenas como poder ver a outra parte ou partes em uma conversa.

No entanto, devemos concordar, que a comunicação, a aula face-to-face no mesmo ambiente, permite uma troca ainda mais rica, quando tanto o falante quanto o ouvinte, são capazes de ver e interpretar linguagem corporal e expressões faciais, um do outro.

O encontro face-to-face presencial, envia uma mensagem antes mesmo da pessoa dizer uma palavra.

Ambos, falante e ouvinte, professor e aluno, que devem alternar-se nessas posições, se enriquecem, podendo calibrar suas entregas com o que percebem através de tom, inflexão de voz, emoção e linguagem corporal.

Cada um pode ver, perceber melhor, e assim responder melhor, às reações do outro.

Na minha experiência, observo que é mais fácil enfatizar as principais mensagens de uma fala ou explicação, reiterar e expandir ideias, incentivar feedback e engajamento contínuo, gerar e manter o foco, na aula face-to-face no mesmo ambiente.

O encontro, a aula, face-to-face no mesmo ambiente, pode ser o antídoto para nossa era digital de ritmo acelerado, e demasiada interferência de equipamentos entre nós, quando o grande número de canais de comunicação disponíveis nos leva à sobrecarga de mensagens ou desconexão.

Mantenhamos abertas as possibilidades e os esforços, para aproveitarmos o melhor que ambas as experiências, virtuais e presenciais, podem nos oferecer.

Governos, escolas, universidades, empresas, efetivamente sairam da pandemia com alguns modelos de encontros, que em inglês são:

  • fully virtual;
  • hybrid, blended model or schedule;
  • in-person teaching with remote students;
  • teaching online and in-person simultaneously.

A seguir, as muitas combinações possíveis, para nos referirmos aos seguintes temas relacionados à educação:


  • in-person, face-to-face, in-class, classroom, classroom-based, traditionalpresential, on-campus onlineremote COURSE


  • in-person, face-to-face, traditional / onlineremoteand remote live CLASS


  • in-person, traditional/virtual, remote, online CLASSROOM


  • in-person / online, virtual school
  • online, distance EDUCATION


  • in-person, face to face, classroom-based, *traditional / virtualonlineremotedistance / blended *LEARNING/TEACHING


  • in-person/ remote, virtual STUDENT


  • hybrid, blended MODEL or SCHEDULE (under)


  • remote, online, and hybrid INSTRUCTION


  • being taught remotely, online or in a hybrid remote/online FORMAT

Veja também as lições Remote classesComputer problems, e A ‘dead’ battery?

Covid-19 vaccine side effects

It’s a good idea, when you travel abroad, to know how to describe what you are feeling, in case you need to go to an emergency medical service.

So, we started with the most common health problems, ways to ask about someone’s health, and typical responses.

Next we looked at simple conversations between doctor and patient, and we worked on a dialogue in which a patient visits his doctor because he has many of the classic Covid-19 symptoms.

Then, working with a student, she told me that she had a hard time with the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Forty-eight hours after she took it, she had a rash / she broke out in a rash on her neck and forehead. She didn’t have a fever, but her blood pressure went down / dropped / decreased. Then, she called the doctor, and the doctor prescribed her an anti-allergic medication/drug. She took the medication and rested. ‘It was weird,’ she said.

Here is a piece of news which is a good listening and reading practice, as it brings the vocabulary related to this problem.

I also had / got / experienced side effects / suffered from side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine. I had / experienced fatigue, a fever, a headache and, body aches.

In case you need to go to an emergency service, one of the questions they may ask you is: Are you allergic to any medicine/medication?

You should respond:

Yes, I’m allergic to…

No, not that I’m aware of / not that I know of.


What about you? Did you have / get / experience side effects or suffered from side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine? What did you have?

Nota: O intuito desta lição, é oferecer soluções lexicais, para caso necessite, você possa comunicar com segurança e tranquilidade, seus sintomas. Ao que tudo indica, o tema não deverá, tão cedo, desaparecer da nossa realidade.

9/11 and heroes

We have recently learned how to use the words birthday and anniversary. This lesson shows the noun anniversary used to talk about the 20th anniversary of the September 11 tragedy. Note that the ordinal number indicating the number of years precedes the word anniversary.

The attack remains one of the most traumatic events of the century, not only for Americans but also for the world.

Around the US, every year, people pause to remember those who lost their lives on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, vowing to “never forget.”

“9/11” is shorthand for the date, September 11, 2001. On that date, four airplanes were hijacked or taken over by 19 terrorists, part of the terrorist group called “al-Qaeda,” and used as giant, guided missiles to crash into landmark buildings in New York and Washington. Two planes struck the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. As people rushed out of the towers, many rushed in to help, including firefighters and police officers, who saved thousands of lives.

Almost 3,000 people died, and thousands were injured or later developed illnesses connected to the attacks, including firefighters who had worked in toxic debris. Citizens of 77 different countries were among the casualties.

The third plane destroyed the western face of the Pentagon – the giant headquarters of the US military just outside the nation’s capital, Washington DC.

And the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers fought back. There is speculation that the hijackers had meant to attack the Capitol Building in Washington DC.

  • All 246 passengers and crew aboard the four planes were killed
  • At the Twin Towers, 2,606 people died – then or later of injuries
  • At the Pentagon, 125 people were killed

Around 17,000 people were in the buildings when they were hit by the planes. Most of them left safely. As they rushed out, firemen, police officers, and other volunteers rushed in to help those still trapped. We call these heroes “first responders”. The buildings were very damaged, though, and before the first responders could help everyone, they collapsed.

On the one hand, the world witnessed the searing destructiveness of naked hate that day; on the other hand saw many performing incredible acts of heroism, sympathy, and gratitude.

People came from all over the world to help. Some came to help the injured. Some came to help clean up the site. Others brought food and support messages for the workers. Many people worked around the clock (all day and all night without stopping) to clear the rubble and the debris, and eight months later, the last of the steel was removed.

To help us remember, a permanent 9/11 Memorial and a Museum were opened at the site of the original World Trade Center on the 10th anniversary of the attacks. Together, they remind us what happened that day and help us remember all the people who lost their lives. They also let us remember the importance of helping each other and making our community and world a better place.


  • What does the word “hero” mean to you? Do you think of someone with superhuman strength or someone you know?

  • What makes a hero?

  • How can we show support and gratitude to those who act heroically or are absolutely and genuinely committed to the well-being of our community, country, or the world? 

Rare snowfall

cold front reached southern Brazil from the 26th, Monday, causing rainIn its rear, a mass of cold air of polar origin advanced into the country.

Temperatures fell/dropped to below zero, with rare snowfall overnight in some places – as the polar air mass advanced toward the center-south. Ice and snow accumulated on the streets of cities where the wintry phenomenon was rarely seen. 

Many cities in the mountains of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, the two southernmost states, registered either snow or freezing rain late Wednesday. The unusually extreme weather in the country’s south kept the thermometers between 0 and 5° C in the early hours of Wednesday and during Thursday. Some places still had below-freezing (sub-zero) temperatures.

The relative humidity, the gusts of wind, the frost, and, consequently, the wind chill factor made us feel the cold even more intense.

Cars, streets, and highways were blanketed in ice while people took the opportunity to take pictures and play in the snowbuilding/making snowmen.

Snow is uncommon in Brazil, even in its southern region during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter. Brazil’s last blizzard (a severe snowstorm) was in 1957 when 1.3 meters of snow was recorded in a city in Santa Catarina state.

So, what can we do about it? Here are some tips.

Note: It’s the first time I decide to raise the issue of “ice safety.” Well,I guess change is everywhere. ?

Don’t miss out on the previous lessons on the weather!