“Of” e receitas: an oatmeal recipe

Oatmeal (mingau de aveia) can be the most comforting and fulfilling breakfast, lunch, or dinner. A student was having (eating) a bowl of oatmeal during the class (online classes allow for that), and I asked her to share her oatmeal recipe with me. Then, she started listing the ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of the oats (aveia)

She thought that she had to use “of the”, because of phrases like the end of the day, the cost of the meal, a member of the team, etc.

So I decided to prepare this lesson.

In this context, when we are listing the ingredients of the recipeOF is being used to show what type of substance or thing we are referring to when talking about the amount:

  • two kilos of sugar
  • millions of dollars
  • a bar of chocolate

There are many different oatmeal recipes, and the purpose of this lesson is not the recipe itself but to learn how to say it. Here is an easy one only to show you how the ingredients are listed. Notice the 1/2 cup of rolled oats

Okay, now let’s look at some situations in which we use of the:

the end of the day

used to show what a part belongs to or comes from
the back of the house
the last scene of the movie

the cost of the meal

used when talking about a feature or quality that something has
the beauty of the scenery
the length of the swimming-pool

a member of the baseball team

used to show what group one or more things or people belong to
some of the students
‘Mona Lisa’ is one of the best-known paintings.
Two of the guests are vegetarian.

Now, here is a very common situation in which we use only of: a cup of coffee

used to say what something contains
several packets of cigarettes
truckloads of refugees

Okay! Let’s see what other ingredients my student adds to her oatmeal recipe, starting from the beginning:

  • 2 tablespoons of oats
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of whey protein
  • 1 banana
  • a dash (pitada) of cinnamon

Way to go Mariane! Bon apettit!

Like or as?

Like and as are words commonly used in English for comparisons. Even though there are subtle differences between them, English speakers use them interchangeably. They are even sometimes misused.

The confusion in using like and as is first caused by translating them to Portuguese, because both of them mean “como”, one word only.  

In formal writing, like is used as a preposition, telling location, direction, time or relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in a sentenceAs is used as a conjunction, joining two clauses (groups of words that must include a subject and a verb), with the bonus that you have a comparison too.

But let me remind you that there are two ways of comparing:

‘more _____ than’ or ‘_____ than’ and ‘as _____ as,’ compare qualities, speed, height, weight, cost, shape

‘like’ and ‘as’ compare things to things, actions to actions

When to use Like

Like compares two things, usually appearance or behavior, meaning similar to.’ That is probably the most common use of like. Like, must always be followed by a noun or a pronoun.

  • He looks like Oscar Wilde.

Here, we are comparing he and Oscar Wilde, so like should be used.

  • The little girl, like her mother, has bright red hair.

The same goes for this sentence, where we are comparing a mother and daughter.

  • She’s a teacher, like me.

Like can also be used to say ‘for example,’ especially when there is a list of things.

  • I love sports like tennis and golf.
  • I have hobbies like dancing and cycling.

When to use As

As is commonly used to talk about jobs.

  • I work as a teacher.

Frequently, as can be replaced by the way‘, ‘in the same way,’ ‘in the same condition.’

  • No one makes chocolate cake as my mother does.

Notice how you could replace as with ‘the way’ or ‘in the same way’ and maintain the same meaning.

  • No one makes chocolate cake the way my mother does.

As is used to compare verbs (actions). So the conjunction as should be used because there is a subject and a verb (does) after it.

Let’s look at another example.

  • He can’t play cricket as he used to.

At first glance, there appears to be no verb after as. However, when speaking, we often leave out verbs that are already implied. The implied verb is play, as in he used to play cricket

Traditionally, like needs to be followed by a noun. However, in informal English, like can replace as. Some people think this is not correct, but it is common in American English.

  • Nobody understands him as I do.
  • Nobody understands him like I do.

It is also possible to use as + noun (preposition) meaningin the role/position/function of a person/thing.’

  • I’ll dress up as a ghost for Halloween.
  • We can use the sofa as a bed.

Now compare the following sentences. Here, the change from as to like changes the meaning.

As your father,
I’ll help you as
much as I can.
The speaker is the listener’s father. (it is not a comparison)
Like your father,
I’ll help you
as much as
I can.
The speaker is not the father but wishes to act in a similar way to the father.

Here is a video that reminds us of the use of as for comparing something that is equal (as + adjective + as), and teaches some expressions, like:

  • As you know, I’m from Brazil.
  • I booked that restaurant, as you suggested.
  • As we agreed, I’ll pay you tomorrow.
  • You’re late, as usual/always.
  • She’s the same age as me.

Next, there is a chart which summarizes this information.

Here is another good lesson and you can now do exercises about as and like.

Pronunciation: say and says

Did you know that the vowel sound in SAYS is different than that in SAY?

Many English learners get surprised when they realize that this very common verb, SAY, has slightly different pronunciation in the different forms of this word.

Listen carefully and practice.

Now, do you know what IF YOU SAY SO means?

“If you say so” can have several meanings, depending on context and tone.

  • It can mean a very respectful “Okay, I accept your word as an expert,” or “I don’t know, but I’ll take your word for it.”
  • It can imply that the listener is not interested in what the other person has to say. Rather than give his/her input, he or she ignores the matter with a remark like this.
  • Also used to indicate a weak agreement, it means I won’t argue with you, or I won’t contest your opinion. Unsaid, but implied: “I’m not at all sure you are right,” “It’s only your opinion,” and “I don’t want to fight.”

A: “Eating eggs has made me super-intelligent!”
B: “If you say so.”
(the person doesn’t necessarily agree)

More examples:

If you say so , I won’t insist.

I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” ” If you say so .”

Well, if you say so , Shelley, I’ll make sure he sees a therapist.

The tone of voice would make the meaning clear. 😉


I did some further research on the pronunciation of “says”. /seiz/ used to be the standard pronunciation of “says” which was gradually replaced by the shorter /sɛz/. The former appears to have survived as a non-standard dialectal form:

  • As the linguist Fidelholtz wrote back in 1975 — ‘Frequent words can do exceptional things’. The verb to ‘say’ is a good example of a mundane verb that is used a lot and that does exceptional things. ‘I say, you say, we say, they say’. There’s nothing peculiar here. It’s the so-called third person form that is the problem — this is where the verb falls out of kilter. In Standard English this is pronounced as ‘he/she/it sez’, and not ‘he/she/it says’. So it’s the shortened version ‘sez’ that is standard; the full form ‘says’ is now considered non-standard, dialectal.

Talking about your family

Do you have a big family? What do you like doing when you spend time with your family?

Talking about family could be a good way to start a conversation in English, so it’s useful if you know what to say and if you have some questions to ask.

First, let’s review the vocabulary by looking at the family tree:

Watch the video to listen to examples of simple sentences.

Now gradually add more details and be more specific. Listen carefully and take notes.

You can read the full script of the video here.

So, are you now ready to talk about your family? Introduce them. Say who they are. Add details to make your answer longer and interesting.

1. Introduce your family and say who these people are:

  • There are four people in my family: my wife, my two sons and myself.

2. Talk about Brothers and Sisters:

  • I have two brothers and one sister.
  • I just have one sister.
  • I’m an only child.

Make it more interesting by adding more information:

  • I have two older brothers and one older sister. I’m the youngest in the family.
  • I just have one sister, who’s five years older than me.
  • I’m the middle child: my brother is two years older, and I have a younger sister who’s finishing university this year.

3. Immediate and Extended Family

In English, we sometimes draw a line between your immediate family (or nuclear family):

Immediate family –> you, your husband/wife, your children, parents, brothers and sisters

And your extended family:

Extended family –> uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grandchildren

  • There are six people in my immediate family: my parents, my brother and his wife, my sister and me. I have a lot of other relatives, but they live in Canada so we don’t see them often.

If you want to be more specific, you can mention who is part of your paternal side of the family and maternal side of the family, the relatives on/from your dad’s side, and on/from your mom’s side of the family. 

4. Talking about Your Children:

  • I have three kids: two girls and a boy.
  • We have a newborn son.
  • We have one daughter, and my wife’s expecting our second child.

Add details to make your answers longer and more interesting:

  • I have three kids: two girls and a boy. Our eldest daughter has just started secondary school, and the two younger ones are still in primary school.

5. Talking about Your Relationship with Your Family

Finally, let’s add some information about how often you see your family, and what you like to do together:

  • I’m very close to my family. We have lunch together every weekend.
  • I see my older brother once a week; we play tennis or basketball together.
  • I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids.

There are more details you can still add!

  • I’m very close to my family. We have lunch together every weekend at my grandmother’s house. She always cooks something delicious!
  • I see my older brother once a week; we play tennis or basketball together. I don’t see my other brother so often, because he lives overseas, although we talk on Skype every so often.
  • I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids. We play cards, watch films, or go to the park if the weather’s nice.

6. Making a Longer Answer:

  • There are five people in my immediate family, although my extended family is quite large. I have two sisters, both younger, so I’m the oldest child. I don’t have kids yet but I’d like to have a big family one day. I see my parents and my sisters quite often, because we all live near each other, although I don’t see my other relatives that much.

What about you? Try to make a longer answer talking about your family. Use the vocabulary and ideas from the lesson to help you. Next time you talk about your family in English, hopefully you’ll have lots to talk about!


Todos sabemos que uma alimentação saudável e balanceada exige a presença de legumes, vegetais e folhas. Você sabe falar sobre esses alimentos em inglês?

Why don’t you start by taking this quiz about the names of vegetables?

Did you get them right (get it right – idiom – do it well, achieve a good result; find the correct answer)

Which vegetables are your favorite ones? Which ones do you eat every day?

Below is a comprehensive Portuguese – English list of the names of vegetables.

AcelgaNapa cabbage / Chinese cabbage
Couve de BruxelasBrussels
Repolho verde /roxoGreen Cabbage / Red cabbage
Salsão / AipoCelery
Erva-doce FrescaFennel
PalmitoHearts of Palms
Alho PoróLeek
Cebolinha verdeGreen Onion
Batata DoceSweet Potato
MandiocaCassava / Manioc / Yucca / Tapioca Root
FolhasLeafy Greens
Folhas para SaladasSalad Greens
Verduras para CozinharCooking Greens
Couve-ManteigaCollard Greens
Vegetais do MarSea Vegetables
Alga marinhaMarine Algae
Feijões frescos e vagens comestíveisFresh Beans and Edible Pods
ErvilhaSnow Pea / Chinese Snow Pea
Ervilhas FrescasFresh peas
VagemGreen Beans
Legumes que na verdade são frutasFruit Vegetables
PimentõesSweet Peppers / Bell Peppers
MorangaWinter Squash
Broto de AlfafaAlfalfa sprouts
Broto de FeijãoBean sprouts
Broto de SojaSoybean sprouts
Outros VegetaisOther Vegetables
Cebolinha em conservaPickled onions
Funghi SecciDehydrated mushrooms

Confira também alguns termos relacionados:

  • Salada: salad
  • Molho para salada: dressing
  • Tempero: seasoning


  • Tanto para se referir a legume quanto a vegetal, a palavra utilizada em inglês é a mesma: vegetable

Click here to listen to the pronunciation of all vegetables on the list.